"Don't wanna be an american idiot -
one nation controlled by the media"
Green Day - American Idiot
In class we watched a commercial Zappa made for Luden's Cough Drops.
Throughout the weeks so far, I've found out that Zappa was very into marketing himself. From getting himself on the Steve Allen Show (for playing the bicycle, which was basically just a gimmick to get himself on the show) to working on a porn movie (which later got him put into jail for a brief amount of time), he was always looking for new opportunities to put his name out there.
This is rather surprising for me, as he was very against the mainstream, from what I can get from his songs. However, the proof is in the video up there.
In a way, that's very smart of him, though. While the things he was doing may not have always been credible, he certainly did a good job of getting into the industry and acquiring a fan base, albeit small at the time.
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